Impact of Subordinate Role Overload on Abusive Supervision: Mediating role of Supervisors' Emotional Exhaustion
Subordinate Role Overload, Abusive Supervision, Supervisor Emotional ExhaustionAbstract
Building on the Conservation of Resources (COR) theory, this study examines the impact of subordinate role overload on abusive supervision, focusing on the mediating role of supervisors' emotional exhaustion. The research implies that abusive behavior by supervisors may in fact be a second order result of excessive role demand on subordinates. Specifically, subordinate role overload is hypothesized to deplete supervisors' emotional resources, resulting in heightened emotional exhaustion, which may trigger abusive supervision as a maladaptive coping mechanism. Data of public sector health organizations in Pakistan are used to study the proposed relationships, and a cross sectional design is used to analyze the proposed relationships. Results reveal a significant indirect effect, underscoring the pivotal role of supervisors' emotional exhaustion in translating subordinate role overload into abusive supervisory behaviors. These findings contribute to understanding the relational dynamics within organizations, highlighting the importance of addressing subordinate role overload and supporting supervisors' emotional well-being to mitigate abusive supervision. Finally possible applications and implications to organizational policies, leadership training, and future areas of research are discussed.